Darrell Martin
Head Pastor
Meet our pastor Darrell Martin.
Darrell grew up in Galax VA and lived in a small community for the first ten years of his life before
moving to Meadowview, VA. He grew up in church and has been in church his whole life. His mother was
a minister and his father was a deacon. Darrell states from a young age that he felt the call of God to
reach people with the good news of the Gospel.
Darrell is not only a pastor but is and has always been bi-vocational. In addition to his ministry work he
has worked in manufacturing, quality control and management. He met his wife Dianna at a young age
and the couple, along with others, felt the need to reach out to the unchurched people in the
Meadowview area and minister to them. The church they were a part of at the time did not share the
same vision so they pulled away and started Life Line Ministries.
Darrell’s goal is to always put God first, family second, church third and to just enjoy life. He resides in
Meadowview, VA and enjoys spending time with his lovely wife, his son and daughter-in-law and three
grandsons. His mission for Life Line Ministries is to evangelize and bring the lost to a saving knowledge
of Jesus and then to disciple them to become true followers of Christ.
Darrell grew up in Galax VA and lived in a small community for the first ten years of his life before
moving to Meadowview, VA. He grew up in church and has been in church his whole life. His mother was
a minister and his father was a deacon. Darrell states from a young age that he felt the call of God to
reach people with the good news of the Gospel.
Darrell is not only a pastor but is and has always been bi-vocational. In addition to his ministry work he
has worked in manufacturing, quality control and management. He met his wife Dianna at a young age
and the couple, along with others, felt the need to reach out to the unchurched people in the
Meadowview area and minister to them. The church they were a part of at the time did not share the
same vision so they pulled away and started Life Line Ministries.
Darrell’s goal is to always put God first, family second, church third and to just enjoy life. He resides in
Meadowview, VA and enjoys spending time with his lovely wife, his son and daughter-in-law and three
grandsons. His mission for Life Line Ministries is to evangelize and bring the lost to a saving knowledge
of Jesus and then to disciple them to become true followers of Christ.

Manisha Carver
Worship Pastor
Meet our Praise and Worship Leader Manisha Carver
Manisha serves as the Worship Leader at Life Line Ministries. She is married to Youth Pastor Richard Carver . Music has been an important part of Manisha’s life since she was young. She grew up in a musical family and her parents, along with other family members, traveled in a southern gospel singing group. As a young child Manisha attended many revivals and singing services. She received much of her musical training through the school choir and private piano and keyboarding lessons.
Manisha has always felt the call of God on her life to be a worshiper and she considers it an honor to serve in such a capacity. She accepted the role of Worship Leader of Life Line Ministries in 1998 and she, along with a very talented and devoted team, lead the church in a dynamic worship experience each Sunday morning.
Manisha has a love for the word of God and a love for ministering the word through music and song. She is currently pursuing her credentials in Music Ministry and in recent months, God has begun to open doors for her to be able to travel to different churches to minister in song and to serve on various worship teams. She considers herself a “ Worshiper who invites others to join in. “ Manisha believes it is her calling to be an encourager and exhorter of the people. She and her husband are thankful to have Life Line Ministries as their home church and look forward to pursing the opportunities that God provides.
In her words they are just “ Enjoying the Ride! “
Manisha serves as the Worship Leader at Life Line Ministries. She is married to Youth Pastor Richard Carver . Music has been an important part of Manisha’s life since she was young. She grew up in a musical family and her parents, along with other family members, traveled in a southern gospel singing group. As a young child Manisha attended many revivals and singing services. She received much of her musical training through the school choir and private piano and keyboarding lessons.
Manisha has always felt the call of God on her life to be a worshiper and she considers it an honor to serve in such a capacity. She accepted the role of Worship Leader of Life Line Ministries in 1998 and she, along with a very talented and devoted team, lead the church in a dynamic worship experience each Sunday morning.
Manisha has a love for the word of God and a love for ministering the word through music and song. She is currently pursuing her credentials in Music Ministry and in recent months, God has begun to open doors for her to be able to travel to different churches to minister in song and to serve on various worship teams. She considers herself a “ Worshiper who invites others to join in. “ Manisha believes it is her calling to be an encourager and exhorter of the people. She and her husband are thankful to have Life Line Ministries as their home church and look forward to pursing the opportunities that God provides.
In her words they are just “ Enjoying the Ride! “